Flag Physical Chemistry> Angular momentum in second bohr orbit of ...
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Angular momentum in second bohr orbit of H -atom is x . Then find out angular momentum in 1st excited state of li^+2 ion

Tamannna , 5 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Dear student 
Angular momentum of 2nd Bohr orbit is x.
So, L = nh/2π = 2h/2π = h/π
For, Li2+, it is 2st excited state. This also means that n = 2.
As angular momentum does not depend on atomic number,
So, L = nh/2π = 2h/2π = h/π
Thus angular momentum of both the systems are same, i.e. x
The answer is x.

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