Flag Physical Chemistry> Among NH3, H2O and HF, which would you ex...
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Among NH3, H2O and HF, which would you expect to have highest magnitude of hydrogen bonding and why ?

sudhanshu , 11 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 4 Answers

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Hello Student
In HF only straight chain bonding takes place while in H2O, oxygen two hydrogen and one oxygen atom participate in hydrogen boning and form a huge ring-like structure. In Ammonia, even though there are three hydrogen atoms, the extent of hydrogen bonding is limited because nitrogen has only one lone pair. Hence, H2O has the strongest hydrogen bonded structure


Last Activity: 8 Years ago

The extent of hydrogen bonding depends upon electronegativity and the number of hydrogen atoms available for bonding. Among nitrogen, fluorine, and oxygen, the increasing order of their electronegativities are N H2O > NH3.But, the actual order is H2O > HF > NH3.Although fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen, the extent of hydrogen bonding is higher in water. There is a shortage of hydrogens in HF, whereas there are exactly the right numbers of hydrogens in water. As a result, only straight chain bonding takes place. On the other hand, oxygen forms a huge ring-like structure through its high ability of hydrogen bonding


Last Activity: 7 Years ago

HF has highest hydrogen bonding due to equal no of electronegative fluorine and hydrogen whereas in NH3 1 nitrogen atom has to attract 3 hydrogen atoms and in H2O 1 oxygen atom hs to attract bond pairs with 2 hydrogen atoms

Kushagra Madhukar

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear student,
Please find the attached solution to your question.
The magnitude of Hydrogen bonding depends on (i) Electronegativity of the atom, (ii) Number of H atoms in the molecule.
In HF only straight chain bonding takes place, in H2O each oxygen atom is bonded to two hydrogen atoms through H bonding, In ammonia however, the extent of this hydrogen bonding is limited as Nitrogen has only one lone pair and lesser electronegativity.
Thus, H2O will show the highest magnitude of H-bonding.
Hope it helps.
Thanks and regards,

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