a saturated solution of salt has been prepared at 298K . on completely evaporating 35 gram of solution 10g of salt was recovered . calulate the amount of salt that was dissolved in 100g of water while preparing the solution. what is the solubililty of salt at 298K
Himanshi , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
1 Answers
Navin Rai
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
conc. = (10g/35g) x 100g = 28.57g salt in 100g soln.
100 – 28.57= 71.43g water ; ie. 28.57g salt in 71.43g water
In 100g water salt dissolved= (28.57/71.43) x 100= 39.997g salt
~40g salt
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