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a) Calculate velocity of electron in first Bohr orbit of hydrogen atom (Given r = a0).b) Find de-Broglie wavelength of the electron in first Bohr orbit.c) Find the orbital angular momentum of 2p orbital in terms of h/2π units.

Simran Bhatia , 11 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 3 Answers
Sunil Kumar FP

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

a)we have
r=a0 =.529A0
=2.18*10^6 m/s,here for first bohr orbit,n=1
b)debroglie wavelength =h/mv =6.6*10^-34/9.1*10^-31*2.18*10^6
c)For 2 p value of l=1
Orbital angular momentum=sqrt(l(l+1))h/2pi =sqrt2 h/2pi

Rishi Sharma

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear Student,
Please find below the solution to your problem.

a)we have mvr=nh/2pi
r=a0 =.529A0
v=nh/2pimr =2.18*10^6 m/s,
here for first bohr orbit,n=1
b)debroglie wavelength =h/mv
c)For 2 p value of l=1
Orbital angular momentum = sqrt(l(l+1))h/2pi
= sqrt2 h/2pi

Thanks and Regards

Rishi Sharma

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear Student,
Please find below the solution to your problem.

a)we have mvr=nh/2pi
r=a0 =.529A0
v=nh/2pimr =2.18*10^6 m/s,
here for first bohr orbit,n=1
b)debroglie wavelength =h/mv
c)For 2 p value of l=1
Orbital angular momentum = sqrt(l(l+1))h/2pi
= sqrt2 h/2pi

Thanks and Regards

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