2. Ammonium chloride can be separated from sand by(a) decantation(b) fractional distillation(c) sublimation(d) chromatography3. Common salt can be separated from sand by(a) distillation(b) fractional distillation(c) using water as a solvent(d) using a separating funnel4. For separating the components of which of the following mixtures can a separating funnel be used?(a) Water + sodium chloride(b) Chalk + water(c) Alcohol + water(d) Oil+ water5. The dyes of an ink are best separated by(b) using a separating funnel(d) chromatography(c) fractional distillation(a) filtration
salini Mishra , 4 Years ago
Grade 12
1 Answers
abhay gupta
Last Activity: 4 Years ago
(2). Sublimation
(3). Distillation
(4). Chalk and Water
(5). Chromatography
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