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Explain the froth floatation process?

Dhruv Gupta , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 10 Answers
askIITIians Expert

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Froth Flotation Process
Ore contains rocky impurities which are needed to be separated before processing. This process is called concentration of ore. The principle of froth flotation process is that sulphide ores are preferentially wetted by the pine oil, whereas the gangue particles are wetted by the water. In this process, a suspension of a powdered ore is made with water. In this process, a suspension of a powdered ore is made with water.
Collectors like pine oil, fatty acids and xanthates are added to it. Froth stabilizers like cresols, aniline stabilize the froth. The minerals particles become wet by oils while gangue particles by water. The mixture is agitated with the help of mechanical stirrer by passing blast of air. The froth is formed which is lighter and skimmed off. The froth is dried for recovery of the ore particles.


Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Froath flotation processCrushed ore is vigorously agitated by a blast of air with water and a little pine oil.If ore contains sulphides like Pbs,ZnS,CuFeS2 then these sulphides are wetted by pine oil forming the froath on the surface which is skimmed off.Sand and other rocky materials remains at the bottom of the tank.

vikram soni

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Froth flotation is a process for selectively separating hydrophobic materials from hydrophilic. This is used in mineral processing, paper recycling and waste-water treatment industries. Historically this was first used in the mining industry, where it was one of the great enabling technologies of the 20th century.


Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Ore particles are wetted by pine oil while gangue particles by water so froth caused due to compressed air causes the ore particles to float to the surface while gangue is settled at the bottom.


Last Activity: 7 Years ago

This process is mainly used to concentration low grade sulphide ore. Finally powdered ore is suspended in water, taken in a tank. To the suspention, oils like pine oil or olive oil is added. Frothing agent like sodium ethyl xanthate is also added. Froth is formed when the suspention is agitated by bubbling air through it. Ore particles adhere to froth and the gangue particles settle down at the bottom of the tank. Froath is stabilized by adding collectors Examples =copper pyrites ,iron pyrites

daiji mahanta

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Generally sulphides ores are concentrated by this method. For tis perpose fluming oil like phyne etc are added with the mixture. Sulphide ores are wideted by the oils and can form forth. Gang particles are wideted by waterand settle down at the tank. If two types of sulphide ores is present in the main ores than deprasum is used..it reacts with ones ore and proceed solible complex and other sulphide ore comes out as forth

kirti garg

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

it is used to concentration of sulphide ore. In this method the ore is m8xed with water about 1% pine oil and small quantity of soaps. The resulting solution is agitated by passing air under pressure. A froth is formed which carries away ore part and the gangue are left behind.Function of collector is to increase in the binding force between ore particles and air bubbles. The floating material can be remove mechanically.

Himanshu Tiwari

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Froth Flotation:
This method employs a mixture of water and pine oil which is made to froth in a tank to separate sulphide ores.
The differences in the wetting properties of the ore and gangue particles separate them.
Only sulphide ores are concentrated by froath floatation process because
pine oil selectively wets the sulphide ore and hence brings it to the froth.

Himanshu Tiwari

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Ores are concentrated by froth floatation. In this process, a suspension or a slurry of the powdered ore is made with water. A rotating paddle is used to agitate the suspension and air is drawn into the suspension in presence of pine oil. As a result froth is formed which carries the mineral particles. To this slurry, froth collectors and stabilizers are added. Collectors (eg. pine oil, fatty acid, xanthate etc) enhance non-wettability of the mineral particles. Froth stabilizers (eg. cresols, aniline) stabilize the froth. The mineral particles become wet by oils while gangue particles become wet by water. The froth is light and skimmed off. The ore particles are then obtained from the froth.

Yash Chourasiya

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear Student

Froth Flotation Process : Ore contains various rocky impurities which are needed to be separated before processing. This process is called concentration of ore. This process is mainly used for sulphide ores.

The principle of froth flotation process is that sulphide ores are preferentially wetted by the pine oil, whereas the gangue particles are wetted by the water. In this process, a suspension of a powdered ore is made with water. In this process, a suspension of a powdered ore is made with water. Collectors like pine oil, fatty acids and xanthates are added to it. Froth stabilizers like cresols, aniline stabilize the froth.
The minerals particles become wet by oils while gangue particles by water. The mixture is agitated with the help of mechanical stirrer by passing blast of air. The froth is formed which is lighter and skimmed off. The froth is dried for recovery of the ore particles.

I hope this answer will help you.
Thanks & Regards
Yash Chourasiya

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