
Hund's Rule of Maximum Multiplicity

Hund's Rule of Maximum Multiplicity


1 Answers

askIITIians Expert
21 Points
15 years ago

Hund's Rule of Maximum Multiplicity

This rule deals with the filling of electrons into the orbitals belonging to the same subshell (i.e. orbitals of equal energy, called degenerate orbitals). It states : pairing of electrons in the orbitals belonging to the same subshell (p, d, or f) does not take place until each orbital belonging to that subshell has got one electron each, i.e., is singly occupied.

Since there are three p. five d and seven f orbitals, therefore, the pairing of electrons will start in the p, d and f orbitals with the entry of 4th, 6th and 8th electron, respectively. It has been observed that half filled, and fully filled degenerate set of orbitals acquire extra stability due to their symmetry.

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