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Dear melwin shaji
s ORBITALSSpherically symmetrical orbitals; that is, φ is a function of R(r) only. For s orbitals,l=0 and, therefore, electrons in such orbitals have an orbital magnetic quantumnumber ml equal to zero.
p ORBITALSThese are orbitals with an angular momentum l equal to 1; for each value of the principalquantum number n (except for n=1), there will be three p orbitals correspondingto ml=+1, 0, -1. In a useful convention, these three orbitals, which aremutually perpendicular to each other, are oriented along the three Cartesian coordinateaxes and are therefore designated as px , py, and pz. They are characterized byhaving one nodal plane.
d ORBITALSOrbitals having an angular momentum l equal to 2 and, therefore, magnetic quantumnumbers, (ml) of +2, +1, 0, -1, -2. These five magnetic quantum numbersdescribe the five degenerate d orbitals. In the Cartesian coordinate system, theseorbitals are designated as dz2, dx2 - y2, dxy, dxz, and dyz; the last four of these d orbitalsare characterized by two nodal planes, while the dz2 has surfaces of revolution
f ORBITALSOrbitals having an angular momentum l equal to 3 and, therefore, magnetic quantumnumbers, ml of +3, +2, +1, 0, -1, -2, -3. These seven magnetic quantum numbersdescribe the seven degenerate f orbitals. The f orbitals are characterized by three nodalplanes. They become important in the chemistry of inner transition metals
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