
the vapour pressure of pure benzene at 88 C is 957 mm and that of toulene is937.5 mm at same temperature.Calculate the composition of benzene-toulene mixture at 88 C. options: (a)mole fraction of benzene -0.66 mole fraction of toulene-0.34 (b)mole fraction of benzene -0.34 mole fraction of toulene-0.66 (c)mole fraction of benzene -0.5 mole fraction of toulene-0.5 (d)mole fraction of benzene -0.75 mole fraction of toulene-0.25

the vapour pressure of pure benzene at 88 C is 957 mm and that of toulene is937.5 mm at same temperature.Calculate the composition of benzene-toulene mixture at 88 C.



(a)mole fraction of benzene -0.66

  mole fraction of toulene-0.34

(b)mole fraction of benzene -0.34

  mole fraction of toulene-0.66

(c)mole fraction of benzene -0.5

  mole fraction of toulene-0.5

(d)mole fraction of benzene -0.75

  mole fraction of toulene-0.25


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 652 Points
9 years ago
To calculate the composition of this mixture at the given temperature, there is the requirement of the total pressure of the system.
One the total pressure of the system at the given temperature is known, one can apply the formula,
P=P(tolurne) + P(benzene)
= p0(toluene) * mole fraction (toluene) + p0(benzene) * mole fraction ( benzene)
take mole fraction of toluene as x and that for benzene as 1-x and solve further to get to the answer

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