
a radiaactive substance has a constant activity of 2000 disintegration/min.the material is separated into two fractions,one of which has an initial activity of 1000 dps while the other fraction decays with half life = 24 hrs.the total activity in both the sample after 48 hrs of separation is.

a radiaactive substance has a constant activity of 2000 disintegration/min.the material is separated into two fractions,one of which has an initial activity of 1000 dps while the other fraction decays with half life = 24 hrs.the total activity in both the sample after 48 hrs of separation is.


1 Answers

swapnil dey
18 Points
12 years ago

half life for any material is fixed.

so u can claculate the activity of first part after 48 hours.

activity of the second part will 1/4th of the initial afetr 48 hours

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