
What are localized orbitals?

What are localized orbitals?

Grade:12th Pass

2 Answers

Anjali Ahuja
askIITians Faculty 234 Points
9 years ago
Localized molecular orbitals are molecular orbitals which are concentrated in a limited spatial region of a molecule, for example a specific bond or a lone pair on a specific atom.
Yo can clearly differentiate it in benzene orbital as shown in the figure where orbitals shown on the left side are localised orbitals while that to the right are delocalised.
Anjali Ahuja
askIITians Faculty 234 Points
9 years ago
Localized molecular orbitals are molecular orbitals which are concentrated in a limited spatial region of a molecule, for example a specific bond or a lone pair on a specific atom.
Yo can clearly differentiate it in benzene orbital as shown in the figure where orbitals shown on the left side are localised orbitals while that to the right are delocalised.

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