Flag Physical Chemistry> How do you account for the formation of e...
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How do you account for the formation of ethane during chlorination of methane

Tamanna , 7 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Dear student

Chlorination of methane proceeds via a free radical chain mechanism. The whole reaction takes place in the given three steps.

Step 1: Initiation: The reaction begins with the homolytic cleavage of Cl – Cl bond as:

Step 2: Propagation: In the second step, chlorine free radicals attack methane molecules and break down the C–H bond to generate methyl radicals as: These methyl radicals react with other chlorine free radicals to form methyl chloride along with the liberation of a chlorine free radical. Hence, methyl free radicals and chlorine free radicals set up a chain reaction. While HCl and CH3Cl are the major products formed, other higher halogenated compounds are also formed as:

Step 3: Termination: Formation of ethane is a result of the termination of chain reactions taking place as a result of the consumption of reactants




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