
Integrate (1-√x) ÷ (1+√x)Please tell the solution, HV tried by several methods but couldn`t get the answer, please solve this integration. Integration by parts ? Partial fraction or by substitution which metod

Integrate (1-√x) ÷ (1+√x)Please tell the solution, HV tried by several methods but couldn`t get the answer, please solve this integration. Integration by parts ? Partial fraction or by substitution which metod

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

11 Points
6 years ago
first rationalize it then use partial fraction_-----{(1-√x)/(1+√x)}×{(1-√x)/(1-√x)}{(1-√x)^2}/{(1)^2-(√x)^2}(1^2 + x^2 - 2√x)/(1-x){1/(1-x)} + {x^2/(1-x)}+{2√x/(1-x)} hope u can do it after wards

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