
What is end on position formula and broad on position formula?

What is end on position formula and broad on position formula?

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Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
7 years ago
 End On Position: The position of a point which lies on the attractive hub of a magnet. Otherwise called Gauss A position. 
Wide On Position: The position of a point which lies on a line through the focal point of the magnet, opposite to the attractive pivot. Otherwise called Gauss B position 
12.Why voltage is not specifically corresponding to current but rather current is straightforwardly relative to voltage?? (Why it is said in ohms law) 
Sol. Yes. It is valid. Hypothetically present is corresponding to voltage yet numerically it doesn't make a difference. 
Voltage is the cause, while current is the impact. Voltage can exist without current while current can't exist without voltage. Increasingly the potential distinction is connected over the terminals, progressively the measure of current is watched going through it. Henceforth present relies on voltage and not the other route round. 

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