
Two concentric spheres if radius R and r are having uniformly distributed charges Q and q .find out total energy of system

Two concentric spheres if radius R and r are having uniformly distributed charges Q and q .find out total energy of system


2 Answers

58 Points
7 years ago
dear friend it is so simple i must tell you that energy of system is sum of self potential energy + interaction potential energy.
they are concentric . k 
so i m assuming Q’s radius is large.
KQ2/R + Kq2/r +KqQ/R
15 Points
5 years ago
Bit correction in above answer self potential energy will be kq2/2r and kQ2/2R
Total Energy = kq2/2r + kkQ^2/2R + kQq/2R
Note :- by mistake wrote two k in 2nd part and its not removing 

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