
Determine the potential difference across the plates of capacitor C1 of the network shown in figure.Assume E2>E1.

Determine the potential difference across the plates of capacitor C1 of the network shown in figure.Assume E2>E1.

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3 Answers

39 Points
9 years ago
replace by a single battery of e.m.f =E2-E1. now the cap.s r in series. in series same charge implaies same capacitance. same capacitance implies same potential difference.
now, sum of P.D. = E2-E1. thus P.D. across each cap = (E2-E1)/2
Plz reply back if the ans is correct or not.
Shreyansh Jain
34 Points
7 years ago
By Kirchoff`s voltage rule-V1 + V2 = q/c1 + q/c2 = E2 - E1 V1=q/c1 V2=q/c2V2=V1*c1/c2So V1(1+(c1/c2))=E2-E1V1= (E2-E1)*c2/(c1+c2)
Kushagra Madhukar
askIITians Faculty 628 Points
4 years ago
Dear student,
Please find the solution to your question.
Applying Kirchoff’s voltage rule-
E1 + q/C1 – E2 + q/C2 = 0
or, q = (E2 – E1)C1C2/(C1 + C2)
Hence, V1 = q/C1 = (E2 – E1)C2/(C1 + C2)
Thanks and regards,

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