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what is emf?

younus jalil , 11 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 2 Answers
venkatesh kosuri

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

Electromotive force, also called emf (denoted  and measured in volts refers to voltage generated by a battery or by the magnetic force according to Faraday''s Law, which states that a time varying magnetic field induces an electric current.

The electromotive "force" is not a force, as force is measured in newtons, but a potential, or energy per unit of charge, measured in volts.


Last Activity: 11 Years ago

E.M.F is itself represented as Electrom Motive Force.In it''s name teaches us a good meaning.Actuallyy in a current conducting material there are already free electrons tend to flow. So that we have required some force to move these charrges or carriers from one place to another place to resulting effect to flow the current.

Finally i defined emf as "the minimum work (or)energy required to move the charge from infinite position to desired position is known to be e.m.f or voltage "

Units: Volts(V)

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