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1. One brass plate is inserted between 2 charges. What will happen to the force of interaction between them?2.Three charges Q ,2Q ,8Q are to be placed on a line of length R metre. Find the the positions where these should be placed so that the potential energy of the system is minimum.3.A solid non-conducting sphere of radius R has charge density p=pox , x is the distance from the centre of the sphere. What is the self energy of the sphere?4.Find the equivalent capacitance between the points m and n. All capacitors are of capacitance Co.5.Two capacitors of capacitance 1 micro-farad and 4 micro-farad are charged to 60 V by connecting them across a battery. Now the battery is disconnected and the capacitors are connected to each other with terminals of unlike polarity together. Find the final voltage across them.6.If a,b,c are three vectors such that a+b+c=0 then a x b=?Submit your detailed Question here...

Bibhudatta Barik , 11 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
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