Flag Electrostatics> Gauss's Law...
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A charge q is placed at point D of the cube. Find the elctric flux passing through the face EFGH and AEHD.

Tushar Watts , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
pratham ashish

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Hi as w know from gauss law flux thruogh the cube if charge is placed on one of its corner = q/8(epsilon) but if u consider the feces of cube ABCD ,ADEH ,HDCG these all r perpendicular to the charge placed so electric field lines will b perpendicular to these faces so all the flux will b passng thru the faces ABFE , EFGH , & BCFG AND allthese faces are symmmtrical to charge so , equal amount of flux will b pasing thru all these i.e {q/8(epsilon)}/3 = q/24(epsilon) (form every of three faces mentioned above)

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