
principle of a capacitor is that when a charged plate is brougt near uncharged earth connecyed plate the chaged plate induces an equal &oppposite charge on the uncharged plate which will decrease the potential of the plate &hence increases its potential. my question is if i consider a point exactly at the centre the potential at the centre due equal oppositely charged plates must be zero at the centre(becoz equal &opposite charges are induced) if this happens then the capacitance will infinity according to the equation which is incorrect to speak.please help..... please send answer on or on facebook

principle of a capacitor is that when a charged plate is brougt near uncharged earth connecyed plate the chaged plate induces an equal &oppposite charge on  the uncharged plate which will decrease the potential of the plate &hence increases its potential.

my question is if i consider a point exactly at the centre the potential at the centre due equal  oppositely charged plates must be zero at the centre(becoz equal &opposite charges are induced) if this happens then the capacitance will infinity according to the equation which is incorrect to speak.please help.....

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2 Answers

Aman Bansal
592 Points
12 years ago

Dear Disha,

The reason of charging and discharging stated by you is abso;utely correct but since the electric field lined at the edes of the plates are not exactly straight thats why center at the centre is not exactly zero.

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Aman Bansal

Askiitian Expert

manu lahariya
17 Points
12 years ago

the potential at the center due to the to plates may be zero. or may not be.

but the eqation is C=Q/V . the thing that you interperted fron this was wrong.

here V is the potential diffrence between the to plates having opposite Q and -Q charge.

so i gusse its clear that there is no charge at the center .. and that is the fundamental defination of capicitance. V is not the absolute potential . it is potentail diffrence between the plates.

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