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Q.1 suppose the two plates of a capacitor have different areas when the capcitor is charged by cnnecting it to a battery,do the charges on the two plates have equal magnitude,can they different? Explain.Q.2 The charged plates of a capaciter attract each other, so to pull the plates farther apart requires work by some external force.What becomes of the energy added by this work? Explain.Q.3 The two plates of a capacitor are given charges (plus,minus Q) . The capacitor is disconnected from the charging device so that the charges on the plates can not change, and the capacitor is immersed in a tank of oil. Does the electric field between the plates increase, decrease or stay the same? Explain. How can this field be measured?Q.4 If a small charge q is moved along a closed path in the field between the plates of a parllel plate capacitor, will any work be done by the agent which moves the charge? Explain.

Rakesh Kumar , 14 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 1 Answers
Aman Bansal

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

dear rakesh,

the charge will remain same on both the capacitors even if  they have different cross sectional areas,


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