Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear student,
Real capacitors have a certain amount of inductance. This inductance keeps the capacitor from acting like zero ohms when sudden changes occur. Ceramic and mica capacitors have little inductance, and thus they act almost like zero ohms during sudden voltage changes. Tubular capacitors have more inductance, but this inductance is still quite small.
The wires supplying DC power to digital circuit boards have a certain amount of inductance that keeps current from flowing freely whenever the circuitry has a sudden demand for current. On such circuit boards, it's common practice to have two parallel capacitors connected across the DC supply lines. These capacitors are often referred to as decoupling capacitors (because they decouple the circuit board from the inductance present in the DC supply wires going to it). Such capacitors keep the DC voltage more constant than it would otherwise be. They supply brief bursts of current when the digital circuitry switches on and off.
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Sagar Singh
B.Tech, IIT Delhi