Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear student,
A cloud to ground lightning strike begins (if there is enough electric potential) with a very faint negatively charged channel (called a stepped leader) emerging from the bottom of the storm cloud. As it heads toward the ground, the electrons within that channel branch out in many directions in steps of about 50 meters (160 feet)in length.
On the ground, positive charges begin building up below the stepped leader and since opposite charges attract each other, these positive charges begin heading up to meet the negative stepped leader.
When they connect to each other, a channel is established and more electrons begin flowing downward.
Next a "return stroke" of positive charges flow up this channel and create the bright flash we see as lightning.
All of the above takes place in just one millionth of a second. The channel carries a tremendously strong electric potential of about 100 million volts.
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Sagar Singh
B.Tech, IIT Delhi