Flag Electrostatics> potential...
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an electron is released from rest in a region of space with a nonzero electric field. which of the following statement is true(a) the electron will begin moving towards a region of higher potential(b) the electron will begin moving towards a region oflower potential(c) the electron will begin moving along a line of lower potential(d) nothing can be concluded unless the direction of the electric field is knownplease give me answer with reason.

piyush shukla , 14 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Ashish Gupta

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

\text{The ans is a. Along the direction of electric field potential decreases and electric field lines emanate from a positve charge source. Electron will move towards positive charge source i.e. opposite to direction of electric field i.e. towards higher potential.}

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