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Why should I study Weak subjects (which are less interested ).....as there is no scope of that particular weak subject in future....WHAT ARE THE REASONS TO STUDY ??? For an example, I want to be a Paleontologist and the Mandatory subjects are Geology /Life Sciences....so why should I study chemistry(THIRD SUBJECT).....Please I am requesting you to answer in depth.... 😃😂😅☺😊

xavier , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Umakant Biswal

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

dear xavier "
its a good question , 
frst of all , you need every subject to clear your 12th board or entrances whatever . 
2- u will apply chemistry , and physics also in palentology science . 
donot think that these subject are separate , they are interlinked with each other . 
and in every moment of life u knows physics work . 
let me to take an example of palentology , 
palentology besically refers to the study of fossils and calculating their time period and all and also matching it with their ancestor . 
so, their for calculating the fossils age , you have to do carbon based radiodating and calculate the relative percentage of carbon aboundance in that . for that u require CHEMISTRY . 
and without chemi knowledge you cannot , ( this is a small example ) 

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