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two mirriors are inclined to eachother at angle 70 . a ray which is incident on 1st mirrior at an angle x, comes out of the combination after reflection from the mirrirs , parellel to the 1st mirror . find angle x.

maitreyee jagannath , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

angle of incidence = b = reflection angle.
Look at the angles in the triangle formed by the reflected ray and the two mirrors.
angle of incidence on the 2nd mirror = 90 - [180- 70 - (90-b) ] = 70 - b
angle between the reflected ray and the mirror (2nd) = b+20.
as it is parallel to the 1st mirror :   b+20 = 70
The value of theta = 50 deg.

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