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Squaring numbers in the hundredsChoose a number over 100 (keep it low for practice,then go higher when expert).The last two places will be the square ofthe last two digits (keep any carry) _ _ _ X X.The first three places will be the number plusthe last two digits plus any carry: X X X _ _.Example:If the number to be squared is 106:Square the last two digits (no carry): 6 × 6 = 36: _ _ _ 3 6Add the last two digits (06) to the number: 106 + 6 = 112: 1 1 2 _ _So 106 × 106 = 11236.See the pattern?If the number to be squared is 112:Square the last two digits (keep carry 1): 12 × 12 = 144: _ _ _ 4 4Add the last two digits (12) plus the carry (1) to the number:112 + 12 + 1 = 125: 1 2 5 _ _So 112 × 112 = 12544.

Tushar Singh , 11 Years ago
Grade 12
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