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I m a class 12th student. I m facing problems in chemistry. What i shoul do in chemistry to clear IIT

Rachit Tiwary , 9 Years ago
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Saurabh Kumar

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Chemistry is one such subject which can assure you guaranteed marks in IIT JEE if you have prepared well. Most of the topics in chemistry are not very much twisted and get tested directly. For example most of the students do not pay much attention to topics like:- s, p, d blocks, transition elements, surface chemistry, coordination compounds, gaseous state, nuclear chemistry, chemical equilibrium and stereo-chemistry. These topics are not only easy but do get questions in IIT JEE Chemistry papers every year and hence are very scoring but still students do neglect them.

Scoring in Chemistry is more about planning than about application and understanding of concepts.
Certain topics like organic chemistry are pretty much like mathematics and physics as far as IIT JEE is concerned as it relies on testing of concepts and questions are always framed considering multiple concepts together. Unlike organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry is directly opposite as all questions asked are always direct and do not need much application. Topics like stoichiometry are always difficult to handle and need lot of in depth knowledge about reactions and mole concept.

It is very much advisable to solve past 10 years(Minimum) IIT JEE papers for chemistry. Most of the questions are repeated in an indirect manner. This is true for inorganic and organic chemistry than physical chemistry because in physical chemistry lot of concept testing is involved. When you solve problems from past years IIT JEE papers of Chemistry, you would see a pattern in which questions / concepts are tested. In fact with a proper planning you can make chemistry as the most scoring subject out of all three in IIT JEE.

Physical Chemistry

Physical Chemistry is the branch of chemistry which is quite like mathematics and physics in developing underlying principles of chemistry. It observes and explains the physical and chemical properties of matter. Physical chemistry at IIT JEE level starts from basics of mole concept, quantities at atomic level and covers energy, thermodynamics and kinetics which forms the basis of how reactions occur. Various topics covered in physical chemistry such as stoichiometry, chemical equilibrium, concentration of solutions, atomic structure, thermodynamics or chemical energetic form the backbone of chemistry at IIT JEE level and higher chemistry at graduate and post graduate level.

Physical chemistry has at least 30-40% weight-age in the IIT JEE chemistry paper and hence it is most important of the trio – physical, organic and inorganic chemistry.

Topics covered under IIT JEE physical chemistry are:-

Basic Concepts
(I) Mole Concept
(II) Redox Reactions
Gaseous and Liquid states
Atomic structure
Chemical Bonding
Chemical Energetics
Chemical Equilibrium
Ionic Equilibrium
Chemical Kinetics
Solid State
States of Matter
Solutions & collegative properties
Surface Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry is the branch of chemistry which deals mostly with the objects in life. Though, it is not quite mathematical in nature, but the basics of Thermodynamics and Kinetics are still the underlying principles. It observes and explains the chemistry in life. Although Organic Chemistry in itself is quite vast but at IIT JEE level it deals with General Organic Chemistry. It starts with the concept of Hybridization, IUPAC Nomenclature, Isomerism, Resonance, Hyperconjugation, etc. Stereoisomerism is a critical part which becomes a bottleneck for most of the students. These concepts are used in almost every reaction mechanisms which are a part of topics like Hydrocarbons, Halides, Alcohols & Phenols, Aldehydes & Ketones, Carboxylic acids and derivatives. Named Reactions are like drivers direction for students and maximum come from the chapter of Aldehydes & Ketones, which is no less than a climax of a movie.

Organic chemistry has at least 30-40% weight-age in the IIT JEE chemistry paper. It is the most critical part of chemistry where scoring is important to occupy a high berth in AIR of IIT JEE.

Topics covered under IIT JEE Organic chemistry are:-

Basic Concepts
Reaction Mechanism
Saturated hydrocarbons
Alkenes and alkynes
Reactions of benzene
Aromatic compounds
Alkyl halides
Alcohols and ethers
Aldehydes and Ketones
Carboxylic acid and their derivatives
Carbohydrates, amino acids and peptides.
Uses of some important polymers.

Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry is the branch of chemistry which deals with the chemical changes in most primitive manner. It is not mathematical in nature and deals in elemental form of nature. The Mendeleev’s Periodic Table becomes the basis of study as we divide the elements according to their groups and then study them. These groups are regrouped as s-block, p-block, d-block and f-block elements. In these p-block is not the bulkiest but also the most important part. The order of importance is followed by s-block elements. The chapter of Coordination Compounds is also important from the scoring point of view. The other chapters of Analytical Chemistry and Extraction of Elements also fetch few questions which are direct in nature.

Inorganic chemistry has at least 25-30% weight-age in the IIT JEE chemistry paper. However, if we talk about the effort to scoring ratio from IIT JEE perspective then it is the least in this case. A good student cannot afford to ignore this section.

Topics covered under IIT JEE Inorganic chemistry are:-

Basic Concepts
Extraction of elements
S and P Block Elements
d and f-Block elements
Coordination compounds & organometallics
Qualitative Analysis

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