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I am interested to pursue B. Arch. in IIT. What procedure I have to follow to appear in the Architecture Aptitude Test?

Miss Pooja , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Arun Kumar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Hello Student
First, you have to give B. Arch (available in IIT Kharagpur and Roorkee) as your choice while filling the choice sheet online at the JEE (Advanced) portal. Additionally, the page on which you will view your result of JEE (Advanced) – 2014, will have a link to follow in case you are interested to write Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT). The link will take you to a page where you will be asked to Register for AAT. You have to register between 20th – 24th June, 2014.

Thanks & Regards
Arun Kumar
Btech, IIT Delhi
Askiitians Faculty

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