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How does the candidate get his/her admit card for the JEE (Advanced) – 2015?

Sneha Dusaria , 10 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Arun Kumar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Hello Student,

The admit card for JEE (Advanced)-2015 from the following websites:
IIT Bombay http://jeeadv.iitb.ac.in
IIT Delhi http://jeeadv.iitd.ac.in
IIT Guwahati http://jeeadv.iitg.ac.in
IIT Kanpur http://jeeadv.iitk.ac.in
IIT Kharagpur http://jeeadv.iitkgp.ac.in
IIT Madras http://jeeadv.iitm.ac.in
IIT Roorkee http://jeeadv.iitr.ac.in
To download his/her admit card the candidate needs to enter his/her
JEE (Main) – 2015 registration number,
Date of Birth (DoB) (dd/mm/yyyy),
Password (Necessary instruction will be mentioned in JEE(Advanced)-2015 website).
This downloaded admit card must be produced before the invigilators at the examination hall.
The original hard copy of the JEE (Advanced) – 2015 admit card will be handed over to the respective candidate in the examination hall. Candidates are advised to keep the hardcopy of the original admit card safely.
Thanks & Regards
Arun Kumar
Btech, IIT Delhi
Askiitians Faculty

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