How can I be good at Math????? I will surely approve! I want to be good in math because I literally like SUCK at it. Math is like soooooooo hard. How to I be good at it????
Rickey , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
4 Answers
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Hi Student,
Please mention the class in which you are studying, so that i can give you better guidance.
If you have one of those attitude that just cannot be bothered to learn some equations, for example, you're not going to be successful.
1. Be prepared to put in hard work, which means doing lots and lots of practice until you feel confident in certain area then move on. 2. Math is always about building up. Therefore, you MUST learn the basics to able to do the advanced math. Also if you're doing algebra, learn the rules: a*a would be A (squared). 3. Learn and memorize how to do each topic.
Everyone can do math. It's just the matter of dedication and striving for the best.
Maths require practice. MAths is different fom all other subjects because you can’t doo it with cramming. you need to practice daily to be good at maths.You should try wide range of questions.
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
u must take a book that contains solved questions to make ur hold on that chapter
practice as many good que as u can
never left ur doubts uncleared bcoz in maths some chapters are interlinked
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