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Hello.. this is manish kumar of class 11 .. .. and i am preparing for JEEof 2016.which books are good and preferable for mains and advance... please kindly answer it...

MANISH KUMAR , 10 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 3 Answers
Naveen Kumar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

You should read NCERT and revise it many times....Then for JEE preparation you can select H C Verma for physics O.P. tondon for Chemistry and any good book for Maths......Read these according to your need and syllabus..........Good luck!!!!!!!!


Last Activity: 10 Years ago



Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Dear student,
aspiring for JEE 2016 well in advance seems a good way to go. As you have ample time on your hand, you should be steady in your approach for the exam preparation.
As far as the books are concerned, you can go with any previous year question paper booklet and a question bank. Most of the students don’t follow a single question book till the end and switch to another soon before completing one. Follow a reference book when needed. You can switch to different reference books from time to time as you may need but then after completing the topic, switch back to your textbook that you have been following . This approach helps you cover all the topics without leaving any which is possible if you follow different books at a time.
Also, join a test series to help you evaluate your preparation. May the force be with you.

All the best

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