Flag Discuss with colleagues and IITians> Dear Sir/Madam,I did not qualify JEE Main...
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Dear Sir/Madam, I did not qualify JEE Mains due to some reasons but I am still want to pursue my engineering from any one of the IITs. Should I join a good institute for a long term course for an JEE and try next year or take up any other private college for engineering. I secured 95 in General Category. Please help me. Thank You

Syed Hassaan Abdullah , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Anuj Saxena

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

You can surely try another time, only if you think you can work hard enough. you can go to kota and study in vibrant and resonance, if you work sincerely, you can surely get iit. all the best. :)

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