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Dear Sir/Madam,i am a student of class 11,preparing for iit/jee.right now i have these set of books which i follow religiously.Maths1.G.N.TEWANI Cengage Learning ALGEBRA2.G.N.TEWANI Cengage Learning COORDINATE GEOMETRY3.R.D.SHARMA(FOR BASICS OF EACH CHAPTER)CHEM1.Physical Chemistry O.P.TANDON2.INORGANIC CHEMISTRY O.P.TANDON3.SOLOMONS AND FRYLE ORGANIC CHEMISTRYPHYSICS1.B.M.SHARMA(CENGAGE LEARNING) MECHANICS 2Is my selection of books good for jee?and please can you suggest any other good book for physics?i dont take any coaching or tutions and thus having a bit problems in physics.

Osho Prakash , 11 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

yes your selection is good.. but if you follow NCERT for chemistry it will be much better.. and for Physics follow H.C Verma both part 1 and part 2. Thanks

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