Flag Discuss with colleagues and IITians> According to you, what qualities make iit...
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According to you, what qualities make iit delhi, bombay, kharagpur, kanpur unique compared to other iits like iit hyderabad, patna, etc? Is there any difference in their syllabus?

RO , 7 Years ago
Grade 9
anser 1 Answers
Aabid Hussain

Last Activity: 7 Years ago


The 16 IITs spanning across India , namely IIT Bombay, Chennai ,Delhi ,Kanpur ,Kharagpur ,Guwahati, Roorke ,Bhubaneswar , Hyderabad, Gandhinagar, Indore ,Jodhpur, Mandi ,Patna ,Ropar ,Varanasi are regarded as world-class institutes for engineering and pure sciences , and are considered to be the best resources to enhance India’s scientific impact. The students have to go through cut-throat competition as the JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) ,which is conducted for taking in students to these IITs leads to a selection rate of 0.1% only. Out of the 4,00,000 students who take the exam every year , only around 8,000 manage to get through.

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