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I have missed most of the topics in my 11th std due to illness and other problems... I have missed topics like Organic chemistry, chemical equilibrium etc.. My question is how do I go about preperation for the jee 2011 with only 1 year left???... Should I focus on only 12th topics or give stress to 11th topics also which ive missed??... Any topics which should be given more importance??

varun marwah , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
askIITianExpert_ Sukumar_ IITKharagpur

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Hi varun

    You should first know the fact that JEE is a conceptual exam. You should thoroughly know the basics of class 11 and 12 Maths, Chemistry and Physics. Class 12 and Class 11 has interconnected syllabus. You can't absorb the class 12 chemistry properly without understanding class 11 topics. My suggestion will be "make a concrete timetable of your studies" where you can give sufficient time to your class 11 and 12 syllabus.

   Organic chemistry is a comparatively easy and scoring topic so you should do it sincerely. Dont worry, You can manage your studies by proper time management and right approach for studies.

 Best of Luck for your preparation

 With Regards


 B-Tech, IIT Kharagpur


Sid @ askiitian

Last Activity: 14 Years ago


No need to worry

Yes these are important topics from IIT point of view. But u need not to worry.

12th topics are extended and detailed version of 11th ones , for better understanding of any topic yuo'll have to clear your 11th basics. so just calm and finish these 11th topics , and then you can cope up with ongoing 12th, it will be easier to understand

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