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Sir,I have just been promoted toclass 12 i.e i have approximately 8-9 months for preparingfor myiit –jee.Iregret of having wasted my time in class 11.I had joined the “AAKASH INSTITUTE “ in class 11 but I did not make full use of the coaching.Its not that i know nothing of my subjects but my concepts are not that clear as they should be which is very essential.i dont know how to approach teachers and get my doubts clarified.............................Respected Sir,now what I want you to do is , suggest me a schedule for these 8 months which will decide the rest of my life.I request you to suggest the schedule in great detail mentioning the study hours,division of time and METHOD OF STUDY which is very important.SIR,please do help me and suggest a schedule which will really work out.I will ever remain grateful to you for this help of yours.Thanking you in anticipation.YOURS SINCERELY,PAYAL AGARWAL.

payal agarwal , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear payal Time is very important specially for student.From now don't think what u did earlier ,concentrate in future . you have 12 month not 8-9 month. so in these 12 month u can regain ur confidence and can make ur self able to crack IIT JEE with rank under 500. If you are in 12th standard most effective and possible way is besides school and coaching hour you should give 4-5 hour in your home for IIT JEE Prepration. and for the rest of your board subject except(P C M) you can give 1 hour per day Best method is to first read the theory part completly from the standard text book and study material and then solve "solved examples" ,and them compair your methodology with the solution given in the text book .and see which is less time consuming. many a time student an solve the problem but the time taken by them is much more which certainly decreses their rank. Then go for excersice problem.and try to solve as much problem as u can. and after solving these questions refer question of that chapter from previous papers. and follow these procedure chapter by chapter.and time to time solve sample papers . For BOOKS you can see this link http://www.askiitians.com/Important-books-iit-jee.aspx Hope you give your best. Please feel free to post as many doubts on our discussion forum as you can. If you find any question Difficult to understand - post it here and we will get you the answer and detailed solution very quickly. We are all IITians and here to help you in your IIT JEE preparation. All the best. Regards, Askiitians Experts Badiuddin

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