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my boards finish on 25 marchhow should i prepare for aieee and iitis it realy necesary to do prepare all the chapters for iit as there are some chapters in which i m weak and would it be justified todo a chapter, about which i know little,at this time

chirag anand , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear chirag Dear chirag Its very important time for students.in last days you should not go for any new concept ,and don't refer any new books .just revise your old notes and study material. its time of revision and practice for speed . solve sample paper at least 1 in 2 days. and while solving the paper in which topic u are not comfortable .then revise important concept and application of those topics from ur notes do not waste your time in solving very difficult question .just refer to those problem and which are purely jee syllabus based.memorise the formulas of different topic. this is very critical moment ,engage ur selef atleast 14-15 hour in a day for jee prepration . and in the last 4-5 day just solve previous 6-7 year JEE paper and practice the formulas. Just stay calm and focus on understanding rather than mugging. Please feel free to post as many doubts on our discussion forum as you can. If you find any question Difficult to understand - post it here and we will get you the answer and detailed solution very quickly. We are all IITians and here to help you in your IIT JEE preparation. All the best. Regards, Askiitians Experts Badiuddin

Amit Askiitiansexpert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Chirag, Its a time to revise all the concepts .. don start a new topic .. revise whatever you have done and do practise as much as possible. Please feel free to post as many doubts on our discussion forum as you can. If you find any question Difficult to understand - post it here and we will get you the answer and detailed solution very quickly. We are all IITians and here to help you in your IIT JEE preparation. All the best !!! Regards, Askiitians Experts Amit - IT BHU

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