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my sister want to do mba from ICFAI corespodence.i want to know whether they give mba degree with out mentioning correspodence as compared to other other institute.also tell me abt placments and charges

vipul sikka , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Deepak Kumar Shringi

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Though a regular MBA from a prestigious institute is unmatchable but still for professionals with time and money constraints Distance MBA is also a good option as it has following benefits:

1. Shows your commitment towards learning in spite of various constraints
2. Gives you a degree which can help in promotion or a job in public or private sector, in case that's a requirement
3. Gain knowledge and add accolades to your profile.
4. You can go for higher studies.
5. You can choose specializations such as MBA in IT so that you keep focus in your current industry.

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