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sir..a one and half months ago i wrote a IITJEE test series(tensors) in my city....i got very less marks in it...though that time my syllabus was not finished..but i thought i wrote well....but now i felt very bad about my marks and now while studying i am keeping on thinking about my marks and getting scared what to do...pls tell me sir how to increase confindence now..???

vineet vijay kulkarni , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear vineet

only method to improve your rank is more hard work.

i think you have completed your syllabus. so from now you should give more stress to those topics in which you feel difficulty. or in which you are not much confident.and at the same time you should keep revising other topic also.Try to solve new question .

best method is to first read the theory part completly from the standard text book and study material and then solve "solved examples" ,and them compair your methodology with the solution given in the text book .and see which is less time consuming. many a time student an solve the problem but the time taken by them is much more which certainly decreses their rank.

 and after solving these questions refer question of that chapter from previous  papers. and follow these procedure chapter by chapter.and time to time solve sample papers .

and  do not waste your time in solving question that are very difficult .Many peaople frame such a question which are not a part of  syllabus.and it is  just a wastage of time.

Just stay calm and focus on understanding rather than mugging. Be regular in class and stay with concepts

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