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sir, i m confused about the concepts of integration in maths,binomial theoram and circle & concepts ofequillibrium,electrochemistry and solid state and solution in chemistry& in physics mechanics so how could iprepare these chapters sir plz help me and thak u for answering last query?

pallavi pradeep bhardwaj , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Askiitians Expert Bharath-IITD

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear Pallavi,

I can understand ur situation. But we cannot reply u all these things in one mail. Keep cool and post regularily the doubts either conceptual or problamatic wha ever u feel difficult we are here to help u. But we cannot answer these many questions in one mail. So, please understand our difficulty also.

Thank u very much for posting for this site.

I wish u very best for ur jee preparation and exam..


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