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Sir want some inspiration........i have believe ,m clear with concept....sir plz provide some motivation

bhanu pratap yadav , 11 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Piyush Agarwal

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

Motivation needs to be developed from within which i thnk evryone hav. And to re ignite it u should thnk about your parents who want you to succeed and get big in life,look at the hardships of sorts they have encountered to make you wat you are today and will always be ready to go to any extent for you to succeed. And finally if u love your parents then if u lose hope(and desire to succeed) how u would be able to fulfil their needs of old age.Would u like to repay the effort of your parents in this way?????      I dont think so.

good luck for your future and remember your goal is calling you. Smile

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