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I am confused what to do...........?Should i drop a year and prepare again for jee,or take admission in private college of Ip University ?Does dropping a year affect campus placement ?and as we know that the cutoff by CBSE for jee advanced is 392 marks,so if i drop a year then will this cutoff remains same for me or it will change ?Please Help me.........

Rahul Malhotra , 11 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Ayush Bahuguna

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

Greetings fellowman...

one should take drop, only if he has realised his weakness in his first attempt. you should be knowing, what exactly went wrong? where did you lack in your preparation. second of all. in my opinion it is better to join a descent college, and opt for a good correspondence course. this will surely release the pressure of your shoulder and you will be able to prepare in a proper manner.

now, taking does not affects ones placement. company needs talent. if you have got the talent, nobody in this world is taking your job away. don''t wory about placement and cut off things. right now concentrate on taking drop. as i mentioned do think over those points.


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