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rank 454iit bombay mtech in electrical engineeringiit kanpur electrical engineeringiit kharagpur computer science and engineeringiit delhi mechanical engineering

Ravi Bansal , 11 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
anser 1 Answers
kavish Dwivedi

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

Ravi take KGP without any doubt ..

1. CSE is the best branch as per number of high pakage placements are concerned which is probably one of your prime reasons for choosing a stream

2. I shall tell yu that KGP has one of the lightest and best academics structure where you will be free to do something of your own too. On the contrary , IIT K has been famous for hardcore academics.

3.I wouldn''t suggest IITD because neither does it offer any advantage for any branch but on top of that , it has the worst infrastructure amongst all the old IITs. Even 5-6 NITs have better infra than IIT D.

4.IIT B is very good and most of my friends who cleared with good ranks took electrical engineering but again I would have advised you if it wasn''t dual degree . What will happen is that after 4 years , you won''t have a choice to go for IAS or CAT or GMAT if you want . Even if you decide to go for these after 5 years , you would have wasted an year . Above all that , you won''t have any privileges of directly going for Phd if you want in good foreign universities because most of them need a full time M.Tech degree from a good foreign university itself . I don''t know the details about that but yeah I have heard this quite often.

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