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Hello,please recommend me books for basic concept building, physics chemistry and mathsthank you

Anonymous Roxk , 11 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 2 Answers
lipika sahoo

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

at the very basic level you should go for pradeeps(Physics nd chemistry ) and maths,go for RD SHARMA....

Apratim Tripathi

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

For concepts(Not for problems): Physics: NCERT, G.C. Aggarwal(It is not a famous book as the writer died soon after publishing the book and no revisions have been made by the writers only by contributors but this book is the BEST for theory and i mean it. Publishers are G.R.Bathla find it from somewhere if possible) and Resnick Halliday(HC Verma and DC Pandey are good problems not concepts).

Chemistry: Organic - Morrison Boyd , Inorganic - J D Lee , Physical - R C Mukherjee

Maths - M.L. Khanna but if you want a combination of both problems and concept then i prefer that R D Sharma is better.

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