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Hi,I have started my preparation for iitjee in class 12 which is considerd by most of my teachers very late, and I live outside India, in the Gulf.I dont think anybody in my vincinity have cleared Iitjee with a good rank.And people around me including my friends and teacher tell that its almost impossible to get into IIT from the place where I live because its impossible to get the right books at right time.first of all I started very late;second I dont have enough resorces to do it.So will it be good if I concentrate on my boards this year and prepare for Iit-jee next year?People tell that freshers are prefered evrywhere but where? somebody please clear my doubts.

Sharath Abhishek , 11 Years ago
anser 2 Answers
aditi dwivedi

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

hi Mr Confused,

there is no disadvantage in dropping one year for the preparation of iitjee , but what does it matter if you do so because dropping is not the solution,if you are focused and determined to crack iitjee you can do it even now also. You only have to thorally practice your NCERT BOOKS . If you have done that no one can beat you in this world....Laughing

Akash Kumar Dutta

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

Dear Sharath,

its not bad that you appear for board this year and the next year you prepare for IIT,
but remember one thing you will have to study all day-night if you do that,
i would suggest you to read IIT books from now so that the syllabus doesnt becomes heavy after time.
nonetheless do not stop herdwroking,
my best wishes always with you.


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