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i m in 12th class and havent prepared yet for iit so i wanna ask that can i prepare in one year and do well in boards as well?

azreyl ibrahim , 12 Years ago
anser 2 Answers
Aravind Bommera

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Tools to measure IIT-JEE preparation – Self Assessment



Self Assessment: Assess and mark yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 on your level of preparedness for each topic, where 5 is very good and 1 is very bad

Very Good




Very Bad






You should give yourself a score of 5 when you are among the top 5% in your peer group.

You should give yourself a score of 1 when you are among the bottom 50% in your peer group.

S. No.








Basic concepts of chemistry

Complex numbers

Units, dimensions, vectors and calculus


Structure of atom

Quadratic equations



Periodic properties


Laws of motion


Gas laws


Work, Power and Energy


Chemical bonding

Permutations and combinations

Center of mass, linear momentum, collision


Chemical energetics


Rotational dynamics


Chemical equilibrium

Straight lines

Elasticity, fluid dynamics and properties of matter


Ionic equilibrium




Redox reactions

Conic sections

Simple Harmonic Motion


General organic chemistry

Binomial theorem

Wave motion



Functions, Limits and Continuity

Heat and Thermodynamics


Alcohols and ethers

Differentiability and differentiation



Alkyl and aryl halides

Application of derivatives

Electric current and resistance



Indefinite integration



Solid state

Definite integration

Electromagnetic Induction and AC


Chemical kinetics

Area under the curve

Geometrical Optics



Differential equations

Wave Optics


Nuclear chemistry


Modern Physics


Functional groups containing nitrogen



Aldehydes and ketones



Carboxylic acids and their derivatives



s-Block elements

Three dimensional geometry


p-Block elements


d-Block elements




Qualitative salt analysis


Coordination compounds

In order to get a good rank in IITJEE, you should target a score of 5 in every topic.

You may notice that the topics where you have scored 3 or less are the ones where you have not completed the activities as per the plan.Prepare a new plan to study the topics, where you have scored 3 or less. Identify sub-topics, concepts which are causing problems. Work on them consistently and I am sure you will not miss the bus to the IITs!

Write in to me at expert_praveentyagi@meritnation.com

Praveen Tyagi

VP Academics


Tools to measure your IIT JEE Preparation- An Activity Tracking Checklist

So, how is your preparation for the Boards and IIT-JEE going? I am sure you have taken some tips on how to plan your schedule from our previous blogs.

After the planning has been done and the studying is in full swing, I suggest that you should keep a track of the work done.Measuring your work in this manner will give you a sense of achievement on a regular basis. This will also give you a continuous view of the work that is remaining.

We have pasted, for the benefit of the students, a sample checklist or activity tracker.Students realize after filling this table that the topics where they are weak, belong to the category where the required activities have not been done.

Activity tracker: Please put a tick mark in front of all the activities you have completed.



Reading from text book

MNStudy Material/Videos

Solved examples


Chapter Tests



Complex numbers


Quadratic equations






Permutations and combinations




Straight lines




Conic sections


Binomial theorem


Functions, Limits and Continuity


Differentiability and differentiation


Application of derivatives


Indefinite integration


Definite integration


Area under the curve


Differential equations










Three dimensional geometry



Units, dimensions, vectors and calculus




Laws of motion


Work, Power and Energy


Center of mass, linear momentum, collision


Rotational dynamics


Elasticity, fluid dynamics and properties of matter




Simple Harmonic Motion


Wave motion


Heat and Thermodynamics




Electric current and resistance




Electromagnetic Induction and AC


Geometrical Optics


Wave Optics


Modern Physics



Basic concepts of chemistry


Structure of atom


Periodic properties


Gas laws


Chemical bonding


Chemical energetics


Chemical equilibrium


Ionic equilibrium


Redox reactions


General organic chemistry




Alcohols and ethers


Alkyl and aryl halides




Solid state


Chemical kinetics




Nuclear chemistry


Functional groups containing nitrogen


Aldehydes and ketones


Carboxylic acids and their derivatives


s-Block elements


p-Block elements


d-Block elements




Qualitative salt analysis


Coordination compounds

Please note this is a sample checklist.

So, how many chapters are you confident about? Continue this exercise till you have covered all the topics and see the difference in your preparation!

Recognize your learning style and score more!

With exams looming large in the horizon these days, we expect that all you students out there will be busy gearing up for the challenging month ahead. After round-the-year study sessions, the time has now come to refresh all the topics so that they can be on your finger tips during exams.

To make your learning effective you can add a customized touch to your revision notes by tailoring it as per your own learning style.

Are you wondering what ‘learning style’ means?

Learning Style refers to the characteristic ways in which an individual acquires, perceives and processes information. It is therefore important to note that there are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, ‘good’ or ‘bad’ learning styles, but only preferred learning styles. Thus, in simple words, a dominant style that helps you process and learn information faster and in a better manner can be classified as your learning style.

On the basis of their learning styles, learners can be broadly classified into three types i.e. Visual learners, Auditory learners and Tactile learners, each with their respective learning styles.

Which category do you belong to?

Here are a few points that will give your some more insight on the prime characteristics of the different types of learners and help you customize your revision notes according to the style that suits you the best.

  • Visual learners:

    These learners grasp a concept best by looking at graphics, watching a demonstration, or reading about it. So, while preparing their revision notes, visual learners are advised to supplement their learning with pictures, charts, maps, graphs etc.

  • Use bright colours to highlight important text in the revision notes.

  • To speed up the pace of revision and make learning effective you can also try visualize the given information as a picture or an image.

  • This will help you retain information for a longer period of time and will aid in better recall value during the exam.

  • Auditory learners:

    Such learners prefer listening to concepts being explained rather than reading about them in text books.

  • You prefer classroom discussions over individual study sessions.

  • You feel the need for an absolutely quiet place for attempting to process key information into the memory.

  • You feel uncomfortable in handling distractions created by noisy surrounding.

  • You can listen to pre-recorded lectures on a tape recorder to process your learning effectively.

  • Try creating musical jingles, using mnemonics, and discussing ideas verbally to aid speedy revision.

  • Tactile learners:

    These learners process information best through a ‘hands-on’ experience. If you think that actually doing an activity is the easiest way to learn information then your dominant learning style is that of a tactile learner.

  • While preparing revision notes, a tactile learner is advised to write or type his own notes.

  • While studying these learners may want to hold the revision notes in their hand instead of keeping it on the table.

  • To further make learning effective they can even prepare flash cards for each step in a procedure based concept and regularly challenge themselves to arrange the cards in the correct sequence.

  • These learners should also include a lot of real life examples and case studies in their revision notes.

  • To strengthen your learning, we suggest you to play your way through concept-based puzzles and games available on meritnation.com.

Beating those exam blues - A Preparation Guide

So, it is that time of the year again when exams loom large on the horizon and you are gearing up to face them confidently in the next few months. We know you have a very hectic schedule after which you probably have very little time left to spend on focused studying. Worry not. A planned and organized approach in which you systematically tackle all your weak areas while continuing to polish your strong areas, will soon get you feeling in control again.

Here are a few tips that can help you prepare better for those exams and help keep stress at bay. Get set to aim for an outstanding performance this exam season.

  • If you haven’t started studying yet, remember that panicking will not get you anywhere. You need to start organizing all your study resources subject wise and begin planning your study schedule. Get down to making a study schedule right away!

  • One of the biggest problems that students face while making a study routine is that they set highly ambitious daily targets for themselves. Plan and manage your time according to your exam date sheet. Start with the topics/subjects where you need to focus more.

  • Remember, it is important for you to understand a concept well before moving on to another one. Take some time out for periodic breaks, but make sure you stick to the time-limit!

  • When you sit down to tackle difficult chapters, try to study them through a video tutorial. It has been proven that something learnt audio-visually stays with you for longer . After watching the videos in the chapter you can revise how much you know by taking the chapter test to assess how much you have learnt.

  • Revise Revise and Revise. You must have quick and concise revision notes handy so that you can refer to them any time.One of the most effective learning practices that you can and should adopt in addition to studying by yourself is group studying. Collaborative studying allows you to discuss your problems regarding any concept with friends. It also helps you assess your own understanding of the concept when you explain it to another person. You can also sit together for a mock test paper and evaluate your performance later. Needless to say, group studying can also be an effective stress-busting mechanism.

  • Be particular about your eating habits. We know you feel hungry while studying. Opt for healthy snacks like a bowl of your favourite fruit, nuts, puffed rice etc. Avoid starchy, oily, sugary and processed snacks. They make the body lethargic and the mind sluggish.

  • Take a walk or talk to friends and family when feeling a little stressed. It helps:)

  • Do not stop pursuing your hobbies because they help you relax. But remember to not get carried away by them!

Change your approach to excel in Physics, Chemistry and Maths!

Are you strong in Maths but hate Organic Chemistry? Or Physics is what excites but Chemistry and Maths do not. This might be because you are approaching all the 3 subjects in a similar fashion according to your strengths. To know how to ace all the 3 subjects, read on...


Maths is the study of quantity, structure, space and change. It is a tool we use to solve real-life problems. So, proficiency in maths is measured by our ability to use it to solve difficult problems.

Mathematics requires us to practice solving problems with pen and paper. Students who are weak in maths typically spend a lot of time in reading, remembering or trying to understand the problems but are not writing and practicing the problems.

One needs to remember that only by attempting problems in various ways do we become proficient in applying the quickest method in the shortest time. So, practising problems is the easiest way to excel in this subject.


Physics is the study of matter and its motion through space and time and all that derives from these, such as energy and force. Unlike Maths, Physics requires a thorough understanding of concepts. Proficiency in physics is measured by our ability to reconstruct or model the physical world through the application of various laws it follows, and predict the outcome of a given situation. Application of formulae to solve problems in Physics requires modeling of the problem into solvable mathematical equations.

Typically, the mathematics involved in solving the problems is very simple, but where most students get stuck is in the modeling of the problem. They are generally not aware of the method of applying the formula to arrive at a mathematical model to solve the equation.

Physics requires reading, thinking, visualizing, integrating and understanding. If one does not understand the problem and application of the formulae in this subject, no amount of practice can help. Just knowing and remembering the concepts as written in the books may not be enough.

Students who are weak in Physics generally do not spend time in reading and understanding the concepts. They may be spending a lot of time in reading, remembering and practicing the problems instead, which is not the right way.


Chemistry is the science concerned with the composition, behaviour, structure and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions. It is the study of various atoms, molecules, crystals and other aggregates of matter whether in isolation or combination, which incorporates the concepts of energy and entropy.

Chemistry requires reading, integrating, learning and revising. Students who spend time in reading and learning naturally do well in chemistry. On the other hand, students who are weak in chemistry do not read and remember, and might be spending time in trying to understand the system or practicing the problems instead.

Now, if we break down various sections of this subject and how to deal with them, we see that:
Physical chemistry requires a thorough understanding of concepts to solve problems.
Inorganic chemistry requires knowledge of properties and reactions.
Organic chemistry requires understanding as well as knowledge of the compounds and their reactions. It is in essence, more vast than the other two.<

Life (and style) at IIT!

Take a pinch of academic load. Add a dash of surprise tests and quizzes to it. Add late night coffees and inter-hostel rivalry and mix it thoroughly. For flavor, introduce multitudes of workshops by experts, visits by scientists and award winning professors, artists and authors. Add an internship at a world class lab/university in India or abroad as seasoning. Add liberally a number of national level contests and festivals. This is when you begin to get a taste of the life at IIT.

IITians are not only equipped with their degree and knowledge, but also a huge network comprising the best minds from across the globe. Moreover, students at IITs come from different backgrounds and value systems. Interacting and engaging in learning pursuits in such diverse groups of individuals is an invaluable asset for developing one''s personality.

IIT is not just about academic learning. Other major highlights of the year are the cultural, science and technology, and sports festivals, attracting colleges from all over India. Be it making treks to picturesque mountains or aeromodelling or playing football or making a movie - you can do it all while studying at IIT!

Sounds fun, doesn''t it? It''s no wonder that IITians look back to their years in IIT as the best time of their lives. Students pass out with fond memories of their vibrant life at the campus. Most alumni go on to say that they have never come across such a charged atmosphere after passing out from the place and life since then has inevitably been much less exciting.

3 Key Skills- Remembering, Understanding and Practice


All of us have different styles of studying. Some like to read and memorize, some like to read and understand the concepts, still others like to practice by writing and solving. To do well in competitive examinations, one should concentrate on developing on all these three areas, i.e.

• Reading and memorizing • Conceptual understanding • Practice

Let us now delve into what functions do each of these skills serve in preparing you better for the entrance exams and how you should be developing these skills for optimal results.

Reading and memorizing

Whatever we read gets retained in our head and can be recalled as and when required. However, it has been observed that we tend to remember better if we have written something ourselves and it is easier to reproduce these things at will while solving problems.

When we come to learning the formulae, one can understand their source by going through the derivations. However, eventually what matters is that we know the formula. While solving problems, one does not have the luxury of time to derive it. So, it must be pulled out of our memory instantaneously.

For this purpose, it helps to have a compendium of all the formulae that you need to know and keep revising it frequently.

Conceptual understanding

It is critical to understand the conceptual framework of a subject and to understand the flow of the logic in the argument being put in a question. For example, we observe various phenomena around us in everyday life. Physics and chemistry attempt to explain the reason behind these phenomena through various concepts, laws, deductions etc. So, for these subjects we should gain a thorough understanding of the system / concept being explained, before attempting to learn any formulae or solve any problems.

This can be done with the help of examples. You can apply a concept to different real life situations and predict the outcome. If the understanding is correct, the outcomes predicted will be right.


After writing down the formulae required and applying the concepts, we still have to solve the mathematical equations. Solving problems is a skill. If there is no limit to the time available, a lot of students may end up solving all the problems in a test. However, the key is to solve maximum number of problems in a given amount of time within the duration of the test. This needs practice.

In a competition, we don’t want to lose time in experimenting, deriving etc. If we have practised enough, we would know the exact manner in which a problem is to be solved, which saves a lot of time. Therefore, practice is must to score high in a competition.

yours katarnak Suresh

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

To score 90% marks in 12th std you should study that day''s lesson that day itself.First you should understand the concepts.Dont mug up.Maintain a separate book of important facts and formulas and keep on looking into it whenever you are free.Practice the habit of writing key points.After studying you should be able to write the key points and this would be helpful for you to revise before exams.
You should also refer to question banks and previous years question papers.Practice plenty of question papers and conduct mock tests to yourself so that you can answer well in exams with sufficient time.
12th std is a turning point in life.So, do well.ALL THE BEST.

Getting a score greater than 90% is possible with very much attentiveness to the things taught in class by teachers.

And once you are back at home from school try give a thought on the subject spoken in the school. If possible try giving regular reading of handwriitten or running notes, the next day before getting to that class again. this would definitely make yu understand concepts well, keeps you confident and makes the further learning in that topic simpler.

above all keep your mind void of all tension, be peaceful and be prayerful and dependent on THE ALMIGHTY God.

Wishing you all the best

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