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what happen to gravitational force of a particle if it go under in to the earth?

mohseen patel , 12 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 4 Answers
sheik arbaz

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

gravitational force decreases since distance between them decreases...................

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anurag bhattacharjee

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

It simply decreases as "g" decreases with the depth of earth.IT is always maximum at the surface of our earth.

Ashtik Mahapatra

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

The gravitational force experienced by a particle inside the earth''s surface is only due to the region where the particle lies outside of.

If the particle is at a distance ''r'' from the center of the earth such that r < R (R = radius of the earth).

Let M be the mass of the earth.


Mass enclosed  =  Mr3/R3


Gravitational force = GMencm/r2 = GMr3m/(r2R3) = GMmr/R3

Srikanth Neeli

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

if a particle go under in to the earth its gravitational force on it decreases.because distance between the particle and earth centre decreases.but at the centre of the earth gravitation force is "zero" at this centre particle stop its motion and doesnot move inward due to lack of gravitaional force.


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