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sir i am facing problem in doing calculus. would you suggest me the best book for calculus for the preparation of iit jee 2014.thanks in advance

satish pramanik , 12 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Godfrey Classic Prince

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Dear satish pramanik,

Calculus forms an integral part of Mathematics and in the scope of IIT-JEE,it is a very important topic which you should at the best master early so that you can score more in the mocks and also gain the vital self-confidence and belief that you always are in need of for a big examination like IIT-JEE.

To make the study of Calculus easy and interesting,I recommend you to get these books because they will be very helpful in the preparation of IIT-JEE

1. I.A.Maron''s Book on Calculus

2. Differential Calculus & Integral Calculus(Arihant Prakashan)

3. Differential Calculus & Integral Calculus(Amit Agarwal)


These books are the best available for Calculus for IIT-JEE and I say I.A.Maron is priceless for Calculus so be sure to get that as soon as you can and get strong in your concepts as quickly as possible. Calculus is a scoring topic in IIT-JEE for years and you do not have to miss it for anything.


Hope this helped you immensely..!

All the Very Best & Good Luck to you ..!!


Best Regards,

AskIITians Expert,

Godfrey Classic Prince


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