Godfrey Classic Prince
Last Activity: 12 Years ago
Dear kislaya pant,
The Photograph that needs to be pasted to the application form need not be a black and white photograph. This is clearly mentioned in the Information Brochure of the IIT-JEE website. Here are the exact details given in the Information Brochure regarding the photograph and itt allows coloured photos to be pasted. Here are the details as they are seen in the Information Brochure,
Firmly affix two recent (taken on or after 1.10.2012) high-contrast front-faced passport-size (3x4 cm) photographs of the candidate with gum/other adhesives in the space provided for it in the Confirmation Page. The photographs must be not be pinned or stapled. The photograph must beduly attested by the head of the institution where the candidate is studying/passed class XII or the Gazetted officer in such a way that part of the signature is on the photograph and remaining part of the signature is on the Confirmation Page. Attestation should be done on the bottom part of the photograph so that the photograph is not defaced. The face must cover at least 50% of the total vertical space of the photograph. The photograph must indicate clearly the name of the candidate along with the date of taking the photograph (as shown). The candidate should not use any cap or goggleswhile taking the photographs. Clear spectacles are allowed. Polaroid photos, photos from mobile phones, laptops etc are not acceptable. Applications of candidates not complying with these instructions or with unclear photograph are liable to be rejected. Candidates may keep 6-8 identical photographs in reserve for use at the time of entrance examination, Counselling and Admission.
Hope this helped you immensely..!
All the Very Best & Good Luck to you ..!!
Best Regards,
AskIITians Expert,
Godfrey Classic Prince
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